
Carnets de Route – ein photographisches Essay

Photographien und Texte Hardy Böckli
Verlag und Vertrieb OFFIZIN Verlag GmbH Zürich
Ersteller und Graphik SATZART AG Bern
Publikation Buchmesse Frankfurt Herbst 2017
Publikation Schweiz Kloster Kappel 17. Februar 2018
Von | 28.11.2015|

Tibesti – Sahara interdit – www.alainsebeimages.com

Ich bin vom Herausgeber und Fotografen ALAIN SÈBE aus Frankreich und dem Schweizer Fotografen MAXIMILIEN BRUGGMANN eingeladen worden, mit einigen meiner Aufnahmen am Buch „TIBESTI – SAHARA INTERDIT“ mizuwirken.
Die beiden bekannten Fotografen sind Dank meinen […]

Von | 26.7.2015|

Rock art and vertical transhumance at Jebel Uweinat by Hardy Böckli in SAHARA No.19

At the beginning of 2007, with a small group of local people, we visited the area of Jebel Uweinat. I intended to take a series of pictures and we also planned to climb that spectacular mountain in order to verify the presence of prehistoric sites after the Talh saddle, at the upper end of Karkur Talh, and on the high plateau bordering the top of the mountain.

The idea was that, thousands of years back, vertical transhumance could have been practiced at Jebel Uweinat, a theory supported by reports and books we read in recent years about the Sahara and this fascinating massif. In December 2003, Mahmoud Marai found a major shelter at an altitude of 1235 m and this confirmed the idea that upper Jebel Uweinat was probably occupied at certain times of the year by herders who intended to take advantage of grazing grounds. Moreover, Andras Zboray and companions in 2002 and 2003 found several sites at altitudes exceeding 1400 m. Recent finds by an Italian team in the western granitic part uf Uweinat provided more evidence of high-altitude occupation. Sites with paintings at an altitude of 930 m in upper Karkur Talh, also reported by Andras Zboray and later visited by us, hinted atz people moving upwards from the mountain foot to the highest grazing areas in two steps, just as people still do nowadays in the Swiss Alps.


Von | 26.7.2015|